Hello Internet I have officially joined your blogosphere.
It's curious that it's taken me this long to start an online journal. My life has already gone digital in so many ways already, my music is digital, the films and TV I watch, even the half the books we read at school have now been digitised.
I think it is important, or at least very fascinating to find out how it all works though. I did have a brief understanding of how the internet was built networks, however, the info on packets and data transfer is great for understanding how my other technology works. Currently my music and lighting software and hardware uses DMX512 and MIDI to control assorted functions. To my newly acquired understanding, they both uses packets of data and their attached values to send and receive information between my PC and music and lighting devices.
One thing I would like to learn more about is bit rates. We have covered this somewhat in my Intro to Media Production lectures, but mostly in regard to images and colour. Perhaps I will do some reading on the construction of sound in a digital environment, how bits of data actually make up sounds. Hopefully it will be covered in one of the coming lectures too.
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